Expert Coaching Services to Empower Your Grief Journey

Discover Healing Through Grief Coaching

Welcome to Mary Hargrave Grief Coaching, where healing begins with trust. Located in Independence, MO, Mary offers expert guidance to help you navigate the journey of letting go of unwanted feelings and embracing a happier, more fulfilling life. With compassion and understanding, Mary creates a safe space for you to find peace amidst the storm of grief. Take the first step towards healing today by calling (816) 258-3880 and discover the support you need to transform your pain into purpose.

About Mary Hargrave

I am your coach.

Mary Hargrave will be your partner in moving on from grief in Kansas City, MO. As a social worker and licensed practical nurse with extensive hospice experience, Mary is passionate about helping people find a better way to cope with death and loss and move on to a richer, fuller life.

Navigating Various Types of Grief

Grief manifests in many forms. Our compassionate approach is designed to support individuals through a wide range of grief scenarios, including:


Transitioning to a new home or location can evoke feelings of loss and adjustment. Our coaching services provide support during this challenging time, helping individuals cope with the emotional impact of leaving behind familiar surroundings.

A Man Is Sitting On The Floor In A Room Surrounded By Cardboard Boxes – Independence, MO - Mary Hargrave

Death and Divorce

Coping with the loss of a loved one through death or the end of a marriage can be devastating. We offer empathetic guidance to help individuals navigate the complex emotions and adjustments that accompany these significant life changes.

A Man Is Taking Off Her Wedding Ring From Her Finger – Independence, MO - Mary Hargrave


Overcoming addictions involves not only physical challenges but also emotional and psychological hurdles. Our coaching services provide a supportive environment for individuals to process their experiences and develop healthy coping strategies.

A Woman Is Covering Her Face With Her Sweater While Sitting On A Couch – Independence, MO - Mary Hargrave

Loss of Addictions

Even when letting go of destructive habits, individuals may experience grief and a sense of loss. We offer compassionate support to those transitioning away from addictive behaviors, helping them navigate the emotional complexities of recovery.

A Woman Is Looking Out Of A Window With Her Reflection In The Window – Independence, MO - Mary Hargrave


Retiring from a career can bring a mix of emotions, including a loss of identity and purpose. Our coaching services assist individuals in finding fulfillment and purpose in this new chapter of life.

An Elderly Man Is Sitting In A Chair Looking Out A Window – Independence, MO - Mary Hargrave

Empty Nest Syndrome

Adjusting to an empty nest as children leave home can trigger feelings of grief and loss. We provide guidance and support to parents as they navigate this significant life transition.

An Elderly Couple Is Sitting On A Couch In A Bedroom – Independence, MO - Mary Hargrave

Loss of a Pet

The death or loss of a beloved pet can be deeply painful. Our coaching services offer a compassionate space for individuals to honor their bond with their furry companions and process their grief.

A Person Is Holding A Blue Dog Collar In Their Hands – Independence, MO - Mary Hargrave


Whether stemming from a fire, car wreck, loss of independence, or other traumatic events, unresolved trauma can profoundly impact one's emotional well-being. We offer specialized support to help individuals heal from trauma and rebuild their sense of safety and resilience.

A Young Boy Is Sitting Under A Desk In A Classroom – Independence, MO - Mary Hargrave

Loss of Health

Coping with a decline in health or a chronic illness can lead to feelings of grief and loss. Our coaching services provide emotional support and practical strategies to help individuals navigate these challenges with resilience and hope.

A Woman Wearing A Pink Head Scarf And A White Sweater Is Smiling – Independence, MO - Mary Hargrave


Holidays and special occasions can intensify feelings of grief, especially in the absence of loved ones. We offer guidance and coping strategies to help individuals navigate these difficult times with grace and self-compassion.

A Woman Is Sitting On A Couch In Front Of A Christmas Tree – Independence, MO - Mary Hargrave

Signs You May Benefit From Grief Coaching

If you are...

  • Feeling Stuck 
  • Experiencing Intense Emotions
  • Struggling With Daily Functioning
  • Feeling Alone
  • Experiencing Complicated Grief

You might benefit from starting your grief-healing journey. Reach out to us for a consultation, and let's discuss your needs.


Coming soon...

The Grief Recovery Method Guide for Loss

In this E-book, you will find 61 tips on the experience of Grief and how to help people through it.

Contact Mary Hargrave Grief Coaching at (816) 258-3880 and take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow.

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